Genealogical Tree
Master George Touzozoglou
Born in 08 – 03 – 1969 at Thessaloniki Greece. Begun martial arts training in 1984 and more specifically with Kung-Fu, he participated in many tournaments and exhibitions both in Greece and abroad.He has been involved exclusively with Wing Chun since 1994 and in 2005 after many years of instructing founded “Aenai Kinisi” a martial Arts club in Thessaloniki.In June 2006 he was awarded the title of MASTER, having attended training courses by Grandmaster William Cheung at the head of the Academy of Wing Chun Gung Fu in Melbourne.By August 2011 and after completing the basic instructor courses at Headquarters in the Netherlands he is a certified trainer from the leader of the world federation Frans Stroeven (ESKRIMA MASTER) W.K.F.S (World Knife Fighting System)
Tinou 26, K. Toumpa, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 953627
Mob. 6977 751 762